Top 10+ Free Parenting Books on Kindle
As parents, we always want nothing but best for our children. No matter what age our kid is, we will always have hundreds or even thousands of questions about parenting. There is no such things as a perfect parent but we are always on a quest to be that perfect parent for our kids. During the process, we seek different resources to get answers to our questions. These parenting books are one of many resources that not only help us with our confusion regarding parenting but also guide us or warn us about significant things in this journey of parenthood.
We have handpicked some of the best parenting books that will be useful for all new and experienced parents. Further, most of these books are available for free in kindle via amazon whereas the rest are free if you have Kindle Unlimited membership. You can also explore our selection of some of the most hilarious books for parents.
Best Free Parenting Books Available in Kindle

In the book “Positive Discipline”, you’ll learn:
- How to become a fine parent
- Why you need to positively discipline your child
- How to make a positive impactful approach
- How to build good behavior
- How to maintain quality relationship with your child
- How to address and understand misbehavior
- How to impose logical consequences
- How to positively communicate
…and many more!Positive discipline will benefit you much more than you think it will.
You have to believe and see what it can do in formatting your child’s attitude and behavior.
Even though almost everyone has experienced the emotion of anger, some people find it easier to get angry, and some people deal with this emotion totally differently. Similarly, some people get a different stream of energy/thoughts when they get angry. Not everyone gets angry the same way.
Some people get mildly angry at once, and then slowly build up that anger. Other people just start with an explosive anger and calm down afterwards.
What exactly is a parent?
A parent is someone who takes care of you. A parent doesn’t always mean someone who has given birth to a child. Judging from the definition that we mentioned before, because a person cares for another person, they can be called a parent.
In this guide you’ll find:
- Why parents feel angry sometimes
- Why parents feel angry sometimes
- Recognizing signs of anger
- Recognizing signs of anger
- Anger management ideas
- Anger management ideas
- How to manage your anger
- How to stop yelling at your child
- How to build a strong connection with your child
- 10 habits which can strengthen your connection with your child
- 10 habits which can strengthen your connection with your child
- How important is a positive relationship between parents and children
Bring back playtime, all the time!
Dive into a Bubbling Swamp World. Drum on an Outdoor Sound Wall. Explore the gooeyness of Glowing Slime.
With the one-of-a-kind projects in 150+ Screen-Free Activities for Kids, your family will rediscover the spirit of imaginative play! These fun activities help develop your child’s creativity and skills–all without a screen in sight. Featuring step-by-step instructions and beautiful photographs, each budget-friendly project will keep your child entertained, engaged, and learning all day long. Best of all, no one will complain about turning off the TV or computer with such entertaining activities as:
- Natural Dye Fingerpaints
- Taste-Safe, Gluten-Free Playdough
- Erupting Volcano Dinosaur World
- Fizzy Rainbow Slush
- Taste-Safe Glow Water
Complete with dozens of exercises for babies, toddlers, and school-aged children, 150+ Screen-Free Activities for Kids will help your family step away from your devices and step into endless afternoons of playtime fun!
Grounded in cutting-edge science, Cure Your Child with Food reveals the hidden connections between nutrition and chronic childhood ailments, and gives parents the simple, straightforward solutions they need to help their children thrive.
Discover how zinc deficiency can cause picky eating and affect growth. The panoply of problems caused by dairy and gluten. How to cure sleep disorders with melatonin, hyperactivity with magnesium, anxiety with fish oil.
Kelly Dorfman, a nutritionist whose typical patient arrives at her practice after seeing three or more specialists, gives parents the tools to become nutrition detectives themselves. She shows how to recalibrate children’s diets through the easy E.A.T. program, and how to get kids off drugs—antibiotics, laxatives, Prozac, Ritalin—and back to a state of natural well-being.
“In her terrific book, Kelly Dorfman clearly explains how to decipher the clues to nutritional disorders that affect the body and brain. Parents will find it packed with sound advice and useful information.” —Maurine Packard, MD, pediatric neurologist
Kids today are more stressed, overwhelmed, and struggling with anxiety than ever before. Children are not born with the coping strategies needed to navigate today’s increasing demands of technology, bullying, academics, and family dynamics. You yourself might wonder how your own stressed-out lifestyle is affecting your children. Based on Lori Lite’s award-winning series, Stress Free Kids provides relaxation techniques you can use to free your child from stress.
Lite shows you how to apply breathing, visualizations, affirmations, and muscle relaxation exercises effortlessly throughout the day. These parenting solutions to everyday stressors will reduce worries and anxiety while increasing self-esteem. You and your children will gain freedom as you live a more joy-filled life with less stress.
With this complete resource as your guide, your family will create your own collection of stress-free moments that add up to peace and confidence–for you and your children.
In The Duties of Parents, J. C. Ryle presents seventeen simple and yet profound responsibilities of Christian parents. Nothing new is contained in this little volume, yet what is presented has the potential to change future generations both now and for eternity. Learn how to shepherd your children; learn how to utilize the most significant key of all – love; and learn first and foremost how to present and represent Christ to your children. As you read this book, expect to find yourself both challenged and excited to begin a wonderful, appropriate, and growing relationship with the most wonderful gift God can give us in our lifetime – our dear children.
The complete why, when, and how-to guide for parenting a one-year-old.
- When will my 13-month-old start to walk?
- Shouldn’t my 14-month-old be talking already?
- How can I get my picky eater to pick something besides pasta?
- Sure, I can ignore a tantrum at home—but what am I supposed to do in the middle of the mall?
- Why does my toddler have such a hard time sharing? Taking turns? Playing nicely?
- When should we break the bottle habit . . . and what about the pacifier?
- How do I get my almost-two-year-old to settle down for bed—and stay asleep all night?
Just in time for those first steps, here’s the next step in What to Expect. Picking up the action at baby’s first birthday, What to Expect the Second Year is the complete guide to the “wonder year”—twelve jam-packed months of amazing milestones, lightning-speed learning, and endless discoveries. Filled with must-have information on everything from feeding (tips to tempt picky palates) to sleep (how to get more of it), talking (decoding those first words) to behavior (defusing those first tantrums). Plus, how to keep your busy one-year-old safe and healthy.
The Relational Book for Parenting uses comics, fables, articles, and games to help families grow their relationship superpowers in the daily back and forth of parenting. This joyful, accessible, parent-friendly book is designed to help raise a generation of young people who are better able to connect, collaborate, and innovate across differences.
Yes! You really can have A Stress-free Family in Only 28 days!
One morning, it was so chaotic at home, that I wore 2 different shoes to walk my kids to school. The walk home was, what I call, my (mom) walk of shame. Every single step I took was an in-my-face reminder that I was incompetent. I felt hopeless and overwhelmed. Why was this so hard for me? What was wrong with me?
I was smart when it came to business, but at home, I couldn’t get my kids to do anything without yelling and nagging. At home I felt inept and stupid. I also felt sad…for me and for my children.
I was missing that “together mom” gene.
That night, after I put my kids to bed, I called my sister, who happens to be the most together mom I know, and I just broke down. I just never imagined that I’d be this mom that I just didn’t recognize.
•How come it all came so easy to her?
•Why was it so hard for me?
•Why did she get to be born with the “together mom” gene” and not me?
It just wasn’t fair! She said something to me that night that changed by life. “You may not have been born with the “together mom” gene, but you were born with the CEO gene.”
With this new perspective, it wasn’t long before my home was running like a well-oiled machine. The kids were behaving, the stress had disappeared, and everyone seemed… well, happier! I figured out a way to be able to LOOK, ACT and FEEL like a together mom…even though I wasn’t born with the same gene my lucky sister was.
A Stress-Free Family: Chaos to Calm in Only 28 Days is your blueprint to not only creating a stress-free home, but one that is more nurturing, fun and organized.
You don’t have to be a “together mom” and you don’t even have to have “the CEO gene”. You simply need to follow the day-to-day plan in this book!
Some children come to the world with an incredible gift of strong will and indomitable spirit. Such children often experience a profound misunderstanding of themselves from other people. There are a whole series of books lining the shelves of bookstores, with instructions on how to break their will, subdue the spirit, and make them obey. What an incredible loss of leadership, enthusiasm, and insights this world brings when parents follow such punitive methods of parenting! We must raise such children gently, carefully and respectfully, because the gifts we receive in return are invaluable.
Any parent who has such a child knows the challenges that come along with it. Sometimes, the parent needs to be right and a headstrong child refuses to understand or accept that. It can feel like you’re up against an immeasurable force, which can be discouraging and even infuriating. When every day is a fight, it is time to reevaluate your relationship with your child and find a new way of doing things. Clearly what you are doing so far is not working, so a better way is necessary.
That’s where this ebook comes into play. Once you read it you will learn how to bond with and love your strong-willed child by embracing his strengths and coping with his obstinacy. You will learn how to let go of frustration and prevent fighting, arguing, and resistance. The end result will be a peaceful and constructive relationship with a well-behaved child who feels appreciated and loved.
Becoming a parent is a scary thing. Even more scary when we see how some of the kids around us act. We are determined that our babies will not grow up and display those same ugly behaviors! But the first time we’re fending off a nasty tantrum in the bookstore, we begin to doubt our resolve. Oops! takes you through the top nine reasons that kids act rotten. It all begins with the parents! From spoiling to hovering, not allowing kids to gain independence and learn how to work through problems makes them whiny, dependent, and disrespectful. As young adults, this leads to an inability to navigate school, build healthy relationships, and become responsible wage earners. (Live at home until you’re 35 – no big deal!) Oops teaches you what parental behaviors to avoid and how to raise a happy, well-adjusted little person!
Have you ever looked around and said, “This is not the life I intended to create?” A young family with everything begins to question their choices. Are making a living and making a life two very different things? Can they allow their true values to take center stage and choose a different path?
Mike and Alison Buehler bought fully into the American Dream. Two doctoral degrees, successful careers, three children, and a big house should be a recipe for happiness. But something is missing, and the wheels are coming off. Join this family as they journey toward health and happiness based on a very different set of values.
Every parent wants the best for their children. We all want them to grow up to be confident and positive adults. Raising a child to be resilient and able to deal with life’s ups and downs is also something that most parents strive for. Confident Kids will give you practical strategies for shaping and improving your child’s outlook and mindset. Parents have a huge influence over the way their children think and deal with life’s situations and events. Happy and successful children usually grow up to be well-adjusted adults who lead fulfilling lives.
Click on look “inside” the book and check out the Contents page. Follow our advice and help your child to achieve their full potential by being confident, positive, respectful, resilient, focused and organized.