How To Have a Good School Year? 10 Simple Tips

Here is the big moment at the start of the school year! Make way for learning and new knowledge for your child. But also to notes, evaluations and a few stressful moments. So how can you have a peaceful school year? AarkLearnings gives you 10 tips for a successful school year!

Dramatize the end of the holidays

It’s not easy to get back to school after two months of summer vacation. To start the year on the right track, make the transition smooth. Tell your child that he can talk about his vacation with his friends, his teacher. Also, tell him that he can show them souvenirs he brought back or the travel diary he made! And especially since you can do lots of activities together on weekends and he can invite his friends over to the house. It is important to also see the extras of the school!

Convey a positive image of the school year

The child needs to go to a place that inspires him or her confidence and where he feels safe. It is therefore your role as parents to convey a positive image of the school and the teachers.
Discuss with him all the great encounters he will have this year, the new friends he will make. But also all the new things he will learn! Your positivity will lead him to see the school year in the best possible light.

Banish the fear of failure

Often children are afraid of failing and not being up to the task. Reassure him and do not stress the child. Remind him that last year he did well. Build on their past successes and make them think back to their victories. And above all, say positive sentences! When her day starts, tell her “Have fun!” Rather than “Good luck!” “. It is much more encouraging.

Teach him self-confidence

Self-confidence, in life, cannot be decided, it is given to us by others, first by parents, then by those (people) around us. For your child to succeed in their school year, recognize their efforts and encourage them. For him to gain confidence in him, you must above all trust him. It is essential in his personal development.

Do some work on yourself

If you are stressed and anxious, your children will feel it. Tell yourself that your child is curious, enthusiastic, talented and do not take him for a dunce. Otherwise, your child will feel it and see himself as such. The positive image that you will have of your child is essential in his academic success.

Establish a routine

Children need habits and routines. For example, get into the habit of having a light meal in the evening, reading an evening story to your children, and setting a bedtime and wake-up time. Sleep is very important for a good day at school. Also, consider limiting your children’s screen time. It is advisable to avoid screens in the morning before going to school and in the evening before going to bed.

Chat with your child

To better understand how your child’s year is going, talk to him! Before you ask him what he did with his day, tell him about yours. Children are generally more confident and talkative if you confide in them as well. Take advantage of this moment of relaxation and complicity!

Offer him an extra-curricular activity

Whether athletic, creative or musician, ask him what activity he would like to do outside of school. By finding an activity that he likes, the child will be able to relieve his stress and make new friends! A moment of breath for him as for you!

Do little concentration exercises

It is not easy for children to concentrate all day in the classroom. Give him some tips to stay alert. Tell him to ask the teacher if he does not understand. Encourage him to ask to go to the bathroom if he feels the need. Finally, invite him to take a minute or two breaks to drink a glass of water and come back concentrated.

Make a good mood reign

Good humour is the key to success! Take the time to play with your child, to laugh, to share good times with the family! And then, what could be better than learning while having fun.

Author Bio

Name – Archana Agarwal

Bio –Archana Agarwal is a Postgraduate in International Management from the University of Strathclyde, Scotland, an Entrepreneur, a proud mother to a 7-year-old, and Founder- CEO of Aark Learnings a leading online education platform that provides skill-based holistic education and Best stem classes for kids which help in their growth and overall development.