Screen Time for Kids – Pros and Cons

I, like any other parents, was determined not to let my little one play with my phone or at least limit his screen time. However, things didn’t go as planned. It seemed to be an easy option whenever he was restless and I started to hand him my phone just to keep him engaged.

Till he was 18 months, I felt that he was getting smarter by being able to use the smart devices independently. All I had to do was hand him the unlocked device (both phone and tablet) and he would play his favorite videos on youtube and open apps that read him stories all by himself. I was happy that I was getting so much spare time for myself by simply leaving him with the device.

He was having normal growth and development like any other average kids. He walked and ran around whole day and was feeding and sleeping properly. I had no issue with giving him plenty screen time until I started to notice that he hadn’t spoken any words clearly till this date.

He sometimes babbled few things as soon as he got up in the morning. Other than that, he didn’t speak anything or even try to speak. He does understand everything. He holds our hands and takes us to any part of the room or near any object to tell us what he wants. He even repeats the process continuously as long as we keep refusing.

I was bit worried about this language development and consulted with a GP. The doctor said it was very common for the first baby to be slightly behind in his language development considering he wouldn’t have many people to talk to. Our GP also suggested us to wait till he started going to child care and told us that it most likely didn’t have anything to do with his screen time.

I was still not completely satisfied about the impact of screen time. So, I started doing research on the effect of screen time on kids and came out with the following findings. 

Screen time for kids - numbers and stats

  • Children between 0 and 8 years use screen media for an average of 2 hours and 19 minutes each day. These numbers have changed only slightly in the past 6 years.
  • On average toddlers under age 2 spend about 42 minutes, kids ages 2 to 4 spend 2 hours and 40 minutes, and children ages 5 to 8 spend nearly 3 hours with screen media daily.
  • Nearly all children between 0 and 8 (98 percent) now live in a home that has a mobile device, a percentage now equal to TV.
  • About 35 percent of children’s spend screen time on a mobile device, compared to only 4 percent in 2011.

How excess screen time for kids can affects their development?

screen time for kids

Considering the amount of things that kids  can learn from screen time, it can be argued that screen time is a must for kids these days. We have heard of kids who can speak multiple languages or know their alphabets and numbers even before they turn three. These kids were allowed to have screen time under supervised guidance of their parents and must have had restrictions in the amount of time they could spend with these devices.

As valuable for education and learning, mobile, computers and television can be, the health benefits and development of skills that kids get from being physically active are also equally important. Kids who spent more than 2 hours a day with electronic devices might face following problems in their growth and development.

Physical Development

Social Issues

Language Development

Psychological Issues

Cognitive Development

How to manage screen time for kids at home?

best parenting blogs

Set Time Limits For Screen Time

Turn Off Background TV

Keep Electronics Away From The Bedroom

Interact With Your Child

Be A Role Model

Funny Quotes on Screen Time for Kids

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